Endless Offer



LiveOps Events - Continuous stream of rewards. Never-Ending series of free/paid rewards. 

It can be trigger on Lobby open and will last a specific amount of time.


You can find the 📄 Full list of existing LiveOps here.

Create a new Offer

  1. Request design
    1. Floating icon
    2. Popup announcement design
    3. Banner design
  2. Create inapp purchase on Appstoreconnect
  3. Wait for Apple approval
  4. Create the Real Money transaction in Unity Economy dashboard
  5. Integrate to Unity and ask for the Prefab Name
  6. Add this Offer to the LiveOps spreadsheet
  7. Add it on Unity Dashboard Remote config LiveOps Staging
  8. Test staging
  9. Add it on Unity Dashboard Remote config LiveOps Production
  10. Done