Test the App
Download a build
Builds are announced in #solitaire-builds
You can download Solitaire builds from TestFlight. Every app download through Testflight allow you to Purchase IAP for free and to install Develop & production builds.
Build type:
1. Develop build
Develop builds are for test purpose only, new feature, fixes, event can be tested there.
You will know if you're playing on a develop build by seing the "debug console" icon on the right side of the screen at startup. The app will be in test mode by default.
2. Production build
Production build aim to be release to the store
The app will not be in test mode by default and you won't see the debug icon at startup
Test mode
You can activate or de-active test mode in the app by going in the settings and click 6+ times on Sound On/off then 6+ times on your player name. The "debug console" will appear when test mode is enable and disappear when disabled.
On test mode:
- you can use Fast mode to quickly complete some levels.
- You can access the control panel from the setting, it allow you to:
- Add or remove yourself any currencies
- Change language
- Skip levels
- Skip days for the daily login feature
- Reset battle pass/misssion/bonus game
- Force start a liveOps
- Force stop an active liveops
Please, never do test purchase if the test mode is disable as it will send your purchase information to our analytics and database, which will result in having fake data on them.