Battle Pass Events (Unity Analytics)

Battle Pass Events (Unity Analytics)

Battle Pass related events are tracked under the name Milestone​ in Unity Analytics. This type of event triggers everytime a player collect a reward from the Battle Pass. It makes a clear distinction between free​ and premium​ rewards.

Action names

This event only has a single possible actionName​ value, which is claimed​.



A string that tells if the reward is a free​ or premium​ reward in the Battle Pass. Whenever the player reaches a milestone and has a Premium Pass active they trigger two events, one free​ and another one premium​.


An integer that tells what Milestone number has been collected by the player. Where 0​ is the first milestone.


A boolean that tells if the player has a Premium Pass active when they reach the milestone.

  • 0​ when there is no Premium Pass active.
  • 1​ when there is a Premium Pass active.